Software Quality Assurance

By providing a wide range of QA and testing services, we ensure your product meets the market requirements, satisfies international quality standards, and attracts new users.

Not sure where your QA process stands?

Benchmark your QA process with industry standards

Testing Types

How we test your software project.

Functional Testing

Ensure the full functionality of the software, we check the system for compliance with functional specifications.

Regression Testing

We confirm that a recent program or code change has not adversely affected existing features.

GUI Testing

To prevent any user issues and negative experiences, we check the Graphical User Interface.

Localization Testing

Verify that content and the user interface meet user language and location, we evaluate products from both a linguistic and a cultural perspective.

Performance Testing

Objectively assess system operation speed, scalability, and stability, we evaluate system performance under a particular workload.

UX / Usability Testing

Ensure the solution meets user expectation, we check whether a solution is user-friendly.

Compatibility Testing

Ensure that solutions operate flawlessly under different conditions, we verify whether it works properly in different browsers, operating systems, networks, devices,..

Integration Testing

Ensure system modules do not interfere with each other in particular combinations, we expose faults in the interaction between integrated units.

User Acceptance Testing

Making sure delivered software meets the defined project scope.

How we save you money

Bugs cost you money. Either through refunds, customer churn, law suits, data breaches or brand damage.

Cost of Quality

Why you THINK you're fine

Your software first breaks slowly then all at once. Why wait?

Cost of Testing