
Christof Jori

12 min read · 01 Juli 2024

Escape The Feature Trap

We have seen companies die, companies lose their A players and eventually, companies that never launch their product.

Because they thought now is too early.
Because they thought we need X, Y and Z in order to have their product.
Because they thought it is not perfect.
Because they did never ask potential users

Successful products we've worked with followed straightforward paths. They focused on their core features and sought feedback from potential users as quickly as possible. Let us identify the stumbling blocks and potential solutions to overcome them in this blog post.

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The Power Of Early Evaluation

Focus on Core Features: Early evaluation helps identify the core features that deliver the most value to users. By focusing on these features, you ensure that your product remains simple, effective, and user-friendly. This clarity helps maintain a strong value proposition and prevents dilution.

User-Centered Development: Engaging with users early in the development process provides valuable insights into their needs and preferences. User feedback can guide feature prioritization, ensuring that new additions genuinely enhance the user experience rather than complicating it.
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Market Responsiveness: Early evaluation allows you to stay attuned to market trends and competitor movements. By continuously assessing market demands, you can pivot or adjust your product strategy without overcommitting to unnecessary features.

Resource Optimization: Prioritizing early evaluation helps in allocating resources more effectively. Instead of spreading your development team thin over numerous features, you can concentrate on refining and perfecting the most impactful ones. This leads to better product quality and quicker release cycles.

Reduced Technical Debt: By avoiding unnecessary features, you minimize the complexity of your codebase, reducing the risk of bugs and technical debt. This results in a more stable and maintainable product, allowing for easier future enhancements.

Quote Author Image

"Evaluate early, and often."

The Feature Creep Trap

Now there is also another side to it. Once you have launched your product and you have received proper feedback, there is another trap you have to watch out for. Feature creep is a phenomenon where a product gradually becomes more complex as new features are added over time. This often happens without a strategic plan, driven by the desire to outdo competitors or cater to every customer request. However, this approach can backfire in several ways:

Feature Creep Trap

Complexity Overload: Each new feature adds complexity to the product. For users, this can mean a steeper learning curve, a cluttered interface, and overall frustration. What was once a straightforward, easy-to-use tool can turn into a convoluted mess, driving users away instead of attracting them.

Diluted Value Proposition: A product with too many features can lose its core identity. The unique selling point that initially attracted users becomes less apparent, making it harder to communicate the product’s value. When everything is a priority, nothing is.

Increased Maintenance Costs: More features mean more code, more bugs, and more maintenance. The development team’s time and resources are stretched thin, leading to potential technical debt and slower release cycles. Instead of innovating, the team is stuck fixing issues and maintaining old features.

Market Misalignment: Not all added features align with market needs or customer desires. Without proper evaluation, you risk investing time and resources into features that don’t add significant value or differentiate your product in the marketplace.

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The Role of Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

Feature Creep Trap

One effective strategy to combat the pitfalls of feature creep is to embrace the concept of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP). An MVP focuses on the core functionality that addresses the primary problem your product aims to solve. By launching an MVP, you can test early. An MVP allows you to test your assumptions about the market and user needs with minimal investment. By releasing a product with just enough features to be functional, you can gather real-world feedback and validate your ideas early on. Based on that you can iterate on the feedback.

With an MVP, user feedback is collected and analyzed to subsequently develop. This iterative approach ensures that the product evolves in line with user expectations, reducing the risk of adding features that don’t resonate with your audience. Furthermore: Quick Time to Market. Developing an MVP enables a faster time to market compared to a feature-rich product. This speed can be a competitive advantage, allowing you to establish a presence and start building a user base while competitors are still refining their feature-heavy products. When testing early, the user experience (UX) is at the heart of any successful product. A streamlined, intuitive product is more likely to delight users and encourage loyalty.

Strategic Feature Prioritization

Strategic feature prioritization is critical for effective product management. By carefully selecting which features to develop and when, you can maximize impact and minimize waste. Here’s how we can approach that:

Align with Business Goals: Features should support the overarching business goals and strategy. Each new feature should have a clear purpose and measurable impact on key performance indicators (KPIs). Implement User-Centric Prioritization. Use data-driven methods such as user surveys, interviews, and analytics to understand which features users truly need and value. Prioritize features that solve real problems and enhance the user experience. Furthermore, evaluate the development cost and potential benefits of each feature. Prioritize features that offer the highest return on investment (ROI) and contribute significantly to the product’s success.

When new features are continually added, there’s a risk of neglecting the core features that define your product. Maintaining your core features is crucial. Core features are the foundation of your product. Ensuring they work flawlessly is essential for a stable, reliable product. Neglecting these features can lead to bugs, performance issues, and user dissatisfaction. Strong and well-developed core features can be a significant competitive advantage. They differentiate your product in the market and create a loyal user base. Consistently improving and innovating these features keeps your product relevant and competitive.


While the allure of adding more features to stay competitive is strong, it’s crucial to recognize the potential downsides. The stage of your product is crucial too. If you're early or not in market yet, launching earlier might be better than waiting too long. We've seen that Feature creep can lead to a complex, unwieldy product that alienates users and drains resources. By prioritizing early evaluation, you can focus on core features, enhance user satisfaction, and maintain a clear value proposition. Remember, sometimes less is more, and a streamlined, well-evaluated MVP often outshines one burdened by unnecessary features.

Final thoughts

Early evaluation allows for a focused approach on core features that deliver real value to users, fosters user-centered development, enables market responsiveness, optimizes resource allocation, and reduces technical debt.

By prioritizing evaluation from the outset, product teams can ensure their offerings remain user-friendly, competitive, and sustainable in the long term. Remember, the path to success lies not in how many features you can add, but in how well those features align with user needs and enhance the overall product experience.

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Christof Jori

12 min read · 01 July 2024